Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009


We think about it, dream about it, lose sleep worrying about it..

When we don't have it, we search for it
when we discover it, we don't know what to do with it..

We fear of losing it..

It's our source of pleasure and pain,
but we can't predict which it will be from one moment to the next..

It's a short word,
easy to spell,
difficult to define,
and impossible to live without... ^v^

Copied from somewhere... ^^

Hidup... ^^v

Hidup adalah anugrah - syukurilah

Hidup adalah cinta - terimalah & bagilah

Hidup adalah keindahan - kagumilah

Hidup adalah kegembiraan - bagilah

Hidup adalah perjalanan - tempuhlah

Hidup adalah kenyataan - telanlah

Hidup adalah pemberian - hargailah

Hidup adalah perjuangan - tuntaskanlah

Hidup adalah misteri - takjubilah

Hidup adalah impian - wujudkanlah

Hidup adalah kesempatan - manfaatkanlah

Hidup adalah tantangan - hadapilah

Hidup adalah tragedi - tangisilah

Hidup adalah tugas - tekunilah

Hidup adalah perlombaan - menangkanlah

Hidup adalah janji - penuhilah

Hidup adalah teka-teki - jawablah

Hidup adalah petualangan - jalanilah

Hidup adalah penderitaan - tanggunglah

Hidup adalah dambaan - raihlah

Hidup adalah...
"Takut akan Allah akan mendatangkan hidup (Amsal 19:23)"

Dikutip dari:
Poster tentang "Kalimat2 bijak" yang dijual di Gua Maria Sendangsono (Muntilan)

An Amazing Family in My Dream..

One day, my cousin asked me to write a text about "Family in My dream". At first, I thought hardly what I have to write on a blank paper because that thought never came to my mind before. Finally, I decided to write about my own family. Do you know why? Because I think that my family is the best family and I feel proud of it forever. Proud of having the most magnificent dad and amazing mom in the world.. Thanks GOD, I have them in my life! ^^

Here is my story about "An amazing Family in My Dream" :

Nowadays, many people say that an ideal family in Indonesia consists of 4 persons: father, mother, son and daughter, who live in one house, have the blood-relationship, and love each other forever. But, that thought is not really right for me. I am the only child in my family and I am proud of having the real amazing family in my life with the most magnificent dad and amazing mom. At first, I think that an amazing family will never be real in this world, but finally I know that it is a wrong thought. I want to tell you more about man amazing family in my dream which is also my real family in my life. This topic will be interesting for you because it will give you a bright thought about an amazing and real ideal family in your live.

An ideal and amazing family must have true and everlasting love in their daily live. Love here does not mean just a kiss for everyday, but also proves in their activities. They try to protect, understand, and help each other. All of them can be a parents, siblings, teacher, and also friends for each other, so there will be no differences and any secrets in that family. When one day one of the members in the family gets a problem, they will not fell strange and shame to tell their problems to the others in the family, and all members should help her / him to solve that problem together. You know why? In a family, if we love each other, we will not allow one person in our family gets into a big problem her / himself. When one of them gets a bad experience and wants to tell to the family, the others will not laugh at them, but they will give that members support and love. When happiness comes to one of them, all of them will also feel happy. No one in that family will feel different than the others.

The members in an amazing family will think that their family relationship can’t be changed with everything, like: money. For a real ideal family, money is not everything because they will think that their family relationship is more important than money. Money can be searched in any times, but family can’t be like that. We have to remember that, not all people with a lot of money have an ideal family which full of happiness and understanding; because family is not built with money, but with loves and hopes between the members in.

To conclude, an ideal and amazing family is that a family with the motto: “One for all, all for one!” It means, if one person in the family feels happy or sad, the others will feel the same. Nothing can be closed from the family because they love each other well. We have to keep in mind that family is everything and can’t be changed. No one can break our family relationship in our entire life!

What do you think of this text?
Do you like it / not? And why? ^^